Monday, September 23, 2019

Are you there.... 

I sat at the shade just to calm myself. I felt a sea roaring inside me.. By closing my eyes, I just try to follow the waves... There is something hidden inside my mind. But I can't understand  what is it... Something is moving faster and faster...but it is not clear. 😐 After sometime I heard a sound " are u there...? ". Suddenly I opened my eyes and look around...but I can't found nothing πŸ™ƒ. Again I closed my eyes and recall the sound. And it sounds like my own voice.. ReallyπŸ™„ I just wondered.  Was it my sound? I ask myself. After a moment I heard the same sound and it says not to open my eyes... So I listen to it. I didn't open my eyes. So it start talking.
     " hey dude, why are you always irritated. Why you are not being happy always?  It's truly hurting me, you know. "

Really! 😳 actually I didn't get you.. I replied

That does't matter .. I know you very well.. I am there with u the whole time..i don't even leave you alone for a moment. I just want to say that ,don't make me feel bad ...please. Because if you are happy, I'm also happy. If you are sad, I also feel the same. So be cool.. OK.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and look around. But it was only dark outside and I can feel the cooling breeze and I'm holding a straight posture...and in that dark I search for the sound, a sound that says that 'with me always'... Now I got a hold on a hand. Eagerly I look at it and found that it is my mother's hand πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ who is sleeping next to me... And I realise that, actually It was a  dreamπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚and the sound was actually my own mindπŸ€“πŸ€“

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The mercy of God is not some beautiful idea, but rather a concrete action. There is no mercy without being concrete. Mercy is not doing good “in passing,” but getting involved where there is something wrong, where there is illness, where there is hunger, wherever there is exploitation.

 *#Pope Francis*
 *#DivinePearl_23* πŸ’Ž